The small town of Defiance, Missouri, is reeling from the tragic loss of two young brothers, Julian Keiser, 4, and Jamison Keiser, 6. The brothers’ lives were cut short in a devastating house explosion that occurred on a fateful Friday morning.
The explosion, which was likely caused by a gas leak, ravaged the family’s home, leaving nothing but rubble and ashes in its wake. Despite the best efforts of the firefighters, the brothers were unable to be saved. Their mother, Evelyn Turpiano, and their grandparents, Jennifer and Vern Ham, managed to escape the inferno, but not without suffering severe injuries.
As the community comes to terms with the loss of the two young brothers, tributes have been pouring in from those who knew them. Sharon Oberlag, a neighbor who witnessed the explosion, described Julian and Jamison as “the nicest little boys” who had a passion for learning. “They thought school was the coolest thing ever,” she said, highlighting the brothers’ love for education and their contributions to the community.
The Hoffmann Family of Companies, which owns the house where the explosion occurred, has expressed its deepest condolences to the family. In a statement, they said, “Our hearts are with the member of our team and their family who lost their children and grandchildren.”
A GoFundMe campaign has been set up to support the family, with over $145,000 raised so far. The campaign was started by Dan Tripp, co-owner of Good News Brewing in Defiance. The funds will be used to cover the costs of the funeral and to help the family recover from the loss of their home.
As the community rallies around the family, memories of Julian and Jamison continue to flood in. Laura Emerson, a neighbor who visited the site of the explosion, hung a Christmas wreath on the house that was still standing after the blast. “Those boys seemed so happy,” she said, fighting back tears. “They had brilliant minds. They had a joyful time. Love was shown to them.”
The loss of Julian and Jamison has left a gaping hole in the community, but their memory will live on through the countless lives they touched. As the town comes together to support the family, they will never forget the two young brothers who brought so much joy and enthusiasm to their lives.