The Wedding Guest Rules That Sparked Outrage

A bride’s attempt to create a perfect wedding day has backfired after her strict guest rules sparked outrage and a wave of last-minute cancellations. The soon-to-be bride took to Reddit’s “Am I the Asshole” forum to seek advice on whether her expectations were unreasonable.

The bride revealed that she and her fiancĂ© had drawn up a list of rules for their guests, including a ban on mobile phones during the ceremony and dinner, except in the event of a severe emergency. While some guests understood the “unplugged ceremony” rule, many felt that extending the ban to dinner was excessive.

Parents who had planned to leave their children at home were concerned about the rule, which the bride insisted was non-negotiable. “Making sure your children are okay is not an urgent matter,” she said. “If something significant happens, you will be informed.”

The couple also enforced a strict dress code and color scheme, with all guests required to wear black attire. Women were expected to wear dresses, while men were required to wear tuxedos. The bride’s aunt, who had recently started wearing colorful clothing again after a period of mourning, was particularly upset by this rule.

The couple’s demands didn’t stop there. They had pre-ordered outfits for the bridesmaids months in advance and instructed them to maintain their weight, regardless of whether this meant eating more or less than usual. This rule sparked tension between the bride and her mother, who declared that the wedding was “doomed from the start.”

As the wedding day approached, the couple started receiving last-minute cancellations from guests who were unwilling to comply with their strict rules. The bride’s maid of honor even threatened to withdraw from the event after the bride requested that her daughter, who was supposed to be the flower girl, be left at a hotel with a babysitter during the ceremony.

The backlash against the couple’s rules was fierce, with many Reddit users branding them as “assholes” for their unreasonable demands. While the couple has the right to design their wedding as they see fit, guests are not obligated to comply with unreasonable requests and are free to decline the invitation.

In the end, the consensus on Reddit was clear: the couple’s rules were overly rigid and unfair, causing them to alienate their loved ones. The incident serves as a reminder that while weddings are a celebration of love and commitment, they should also be a time of joy and inclusivity for all involved.

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