Wendy Auger, a resident of Rochester, New Hampshire, has found herself at odds with the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) over her cherished vanity license plate. The plate, which reads “PB4WEGO,” has been a source of joy for Auger and many other motorists for the past 15 years. However, the DMV has recently deemed it “inappropriate” due to its perceived reference to a bodily function.
Auger, a bartender by trade, has expressed her discontent with the DMV’s decision, which she believes infringes upon her right to free speech. She argues that the message “pee before we go” is simply a practical piece of advice, not something that could be considered offensive.
Auger’s attachment to the plate has only grown stronger over time, particularly after New Hampshire increased the character limit for vanity plates from six to seven, making her plate even more unique.
On the other hand, the state has maintained that the changes were made in accordance with a court ruling from years ago, citing specific regulations as evidence.
The situation has sparked a discussion about the balance between individual expression and government regulation. Should Auger be forced to give up her prized plate after proudly displaying it for 15 years?
Despite Auger’s protests, the DMV has refused to budge, citing legal mandates as the reason. Auger views this as a violation of her rights and privacy, and believes that the state is unfairly targeting her.
This issue highlights the complexities surrounding freedom of expression and the extent to which government institutions can limit it. Auger’s struggle to keep her personalized license plate serves as a reminder of the tension between individual liberty and government control.