Tessa Evans, a bright and cheerful 10-year-old from Ireland, has captured the hearts of many with her extraordinary story. Born on Valentine’s Day in 2013, Tessa came into this world without a nose, a rare condition known as Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome (BAMS). This condition affects less than 100 people worldwide.
Tessa’s parents, Grainne and Nathan Evans, were taken aback by their daughter’s unusual birth. Despite the initial shock, they have been a pillar of strength and support for Tessa, helping her navigate the challenges that come with her condition. Tessa’s BAMS means she cannot smell or breathe through her nose, but she can still cough, sneeze, and catch colds.
Tessa’s early years were marked by multiple surgeries and hospital visits. At just two weeks old, she underwent surgery to insert a tracheostomy tube, enabling her to eat and sleep normally. In a groundbreaking procedure, Tessa became the first person to receive a cosmetic nasal implant at the tender age of two. This surgery aimed to create a nose-like structure, which would gradually change and develop over the years.
Grainne and Nathan made the difficult decision to opt for the implant surgery, knowing it would be a long and arduous process. They wanted to give Tessa the best possible chance at a normal life, free from the need for further invasive surgeries. Grainne reflects on the experience, saying, “It was an incredibly difficult decision, but we ultimately decided to go ahead as it was a chance to gradually change her appearance over the years.”
Tessa’s journey has not been without its setbacks. One implant had to be removed, and she faces ongoing challenges related to her condition. Nevertheless, Tessa remains a beacon of hope and inspiration. Her zest for life, infallible courage, and charming attitude have captured the hearts of many.
As Tessa continues on her journey, she inspires others with her strength and resilience. Her Facebook page, “Tessa; Born Extraordinary,” has garnered a significant following, with many admiring her beauty, both inside and out. One supporter writes, “Her face may not be ordinary, but I find it exceptionally beautiful. Intelligence, character as well. Shine on, young one.”