As tourists flocked to the Romanian coast, they were met with a sight they would never forget. A wounded dolphin, identified as the Delphinus Delphis species, emerged from the sea, its injuries likely sustained from entanglement in fishermen’s nets. This dramatic marine rescue mission unfolded before the very eyes of the beachgoers.
The Black Sea, home to three notable species of marine mammals, is a treasure trove of fascinating creatures. The Common dolphin, Bottlenose dolphin, and Harbor porpoise each bring their unique characteristics to the waters. While the Bottlenose dolphin and Harbor porpoise prefer coastal areas, feeding on fish and benthic organisms, the Common dolphin is a jet-setter, preferring offshore zones and feasting on suspended fish.
The Common dolphin is a sight to behold, with its bluish-gray to brown color and trendy pigmented band connecting the lower jaw to the pectoral fins. These fashionistas of the dolphin world can grow up to 2 meters in length, with males reaching 177 cm and females 159 cm. Despite their delicate appearance, Common dolphins are sensitive to chemical and acoustic pollution, making them environmental activists of the sea.
These social creatures are often seen in groups of 10-15 individuals, occasionally venturing out as lone wolves or dynamic duos. Renowned for their agility, they can reach swimming speeds of approximately 50 km/h. When they’re not showing off their swimming prowess, they take quick, frequent breaths during their short-duration dives.
Common dolphins reach sexual maturity at just 2 years old and live up to 25-30 years. Their diet consists mainly of small pelagic fish, and they eat like champions, consuming around 10 kg of food daily. Understanding and protecting these marvelous creatures is crucial, as they bring magic to the Black Sea with their playful frolics.
Next time you find yourself near the Black Sea, keep your eyes peeled for these incredible dolphins. With their stories to tell for generations, they deserve as much love and protection as we can provide.