In a world where societal norms often dictate what’s expected of boys and girls, one mother is challenging these stereotypes and teaching her son valuable life skills. Nicole Boulogne, a single mother from Michigan, has been praised for her progressive approach to parenting, but she’s also faced criticism for posting pictures of her 7-year-old son cooking and cleaning.
Many people questioned Nicole’s parenting, believing that boys should not be expected to do household chores. However, Nicole is determined to raise her son to be independent and self-sufficient. She believes that teaching him essential life skills, such as cooking and cleaning, will benefit him in the long run.
As a single mother of two, Nicole is doing her best to instill independence in her children. Her older child is already capable of simple cooking, yard work, and dishwashing. Nicole plans to teach her younger child the same skills when he’s older.
When asked why she’s teaching her son these skills, Nicole had a powerful response. “I educate my son on how to cook and do housework because these tasks aren’t exclusive to women,” she said. “One day, he might be a single man living alone, and he’ll need to know how to take care of himself.”
Nicole’s approach to parenting is backed by science. Studies have shown that children who are encouraged to help around the house develop a sense of responsibility, risk-taking, and goal-setting. These skills are essential for success in later life.
Nicole’s story is an inspiration to parents everywhere. By teaching her son valuable life skills and challenging societal norms, she’s raising a capable and independent young man. As Nicole so eloquently put it, “A man who believes he shouldn’t have to cook or do housework was once a child who was never taught any better.”