A man’s fear of needles led to a hilarious and unexpected solution at the dentist’s office. As the dentist began setting up the nitrous oxide, the patient quickly objected, expressing his discomfort with the gas and the mask that came with it.
The dentist, understanding the patient’s concerns, offered an alternative solution. “Would you be okay taking a pill instead?” he asked. The patient agreed, thinking that the pill would be a painkiller to help him relax during the procedure.
However, when the dentist returned with the pill, the patient was surprised to learn that it was actually Viagra. “Viagra? I didn’t know that was a painkiller!” he exclaimed. The dentist couldn’t help but grin as he explained the real reason behind the pill.
“It’s not a painkiller,” he said with a chuckle. “But it’ll give you something to hold on to when I pull your tooth.” The patient was caught off guard by the dentist’s clever solution, but it undoubtedly made the experience more memorable and humorous.