Unlocking the Secrets of Eternity: Julie Poole’s Journey to the Afterlife

Julie Poole, a self-described spiritual expert, has shared her extraordinary near-death experience, revealing visions of humanity’s future that have left many in awe.

Julie’s life has been marked by tragedy and resilience, culminating in a transformative event that she believes offers a glimpse into the future. As a child, she endured physical, mental, sexual, and emotional abuse, sparking a profound spiritual quest.

In her twenties, Julie attempted to take her own life, but instead, she claims to have been transported to a realm she calls heaven. There, she met angels and heavenly advisers who shared messages about what lies ahead.

“I was raised to the Higher Realms, and my angels and guides told me, ‘No, it’s not your time,'” Julie recalled. During her three-day journey, she witnessed a future of great human transformation.

Her angelic guides spoke of an impending “Golden Age” between 2012 and 2032, where equality and truth would prevail. “The few who have held power and control for millennia will lose their grip,” Julie explained. “All that is false, fraudulent, and corrupt will vanish.”

Julie believes this marks the beginning of a new age of awareness, where corrupt institutions and leaders will be exposed and replaced by those with pure intentions.

Her story has resonated with those seeking justice and hope in a chaotic world, sparking both skepticism and belief.

Julie’s near-death experience has inspired her followers and invites reflection on the mysteries of existence beyond our earthly plane. Her vision of a future where equality and truth triumph offers a beacon of hope.

Julie’s journey serves as a testament to her faith in a greater good and a more just future for all. Her story continues to captivate and inspire, leaving a lasting impact on those who hear it.

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