The Canada Lynx, a wild cat native to the forests of Canada and parts of the United States, is renowned for its thick silvery-gray fur, which helps it survive harsh winters. However, in an extraordinary twist, a black-furred Canada Lynx was finally caught on video for the first time in 2022, giving scientists and wildlife enthusiasts a rare glimpse of this unique creature.
The incredible footage was captured by Thomas Jung, a Yukon government employee and researcher from the University of Alberta. While visiting a quiet rural area near Whitehorse, Yukon, Jung spotted the lynx and filmed it with his cellphone. The lynx appeared relaxed, sitting about 50 meters away, until a barking dog startled it and caused it to retreat into the wilderness.
This groundbreaking discovery was documented in the scientific journal Mammalia in an article titled “Paint it black: first record of melanism in Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis).” Experts verified that the animal in the video was indeed a Canada Lynx, even though its appearance deviated significantly from the species’ usual coloration.
Describing the animal, Jung noted that it had a predominantly black coat with whitish-gray hairs scattered across its face, back, and neck. This melanistic trait, caused by excess pigmentation, is extremely rare in Canada Lynxes and stands in sharp contrast to their typical fur, which changes from silvery-gray in winter to reddish-brown in summer.
While melanism is not uncommon in some animal species, its impact on the Canada Lynx is still poorly understood. Jung speculated that the dark coat might actually work against the lynx’s survival, as it would make the animal more visible in snowy environments, reducing its ability to hunt effectively during winter.
The discovery of this rare lynx has sparked fascination among scientists and wildlife lovers worldwide. Seeing such a unique animal on camera feels almost surreal. What do you think about this extraordinary find? Share your thoughts!